Jacob Mason’s father is serving in the submarine service and as you can imagine, is away a lot, leaving Jacob and his mum at home counting down the days until dad returns.
When Jacob was 10 years old, he wrote a poem called ‘This is normal for me.’ It’s all about his experience of being a military child.
His poem came second place in the Never Such Innocence international competition and was supported by RNRMC and also the First sea lord.
Jacob wanted to find a way to celebrate the achievements of other young people who have experienced forces separation like he has and so the ‘Jacob’s Medal’ idea was born.
This medal will be presented to EVERY child who is nominated for the Young People’s award.
This is normal for me.
This is normal for me, but some people don’t know how it feels.
It can get rough sometimes, children tease because I’m different.
Dad is not there.
I watch the sea for him, I stand still and stare.
This is normal for me, but it might be different if you stayed around a lot.
Christmas, birthdays, holidays, New Years, when we have been apart.
Missing someone so much I have no words for being so sad.
Separation and silence.
This is normal for me, counting days until you are gone,
No mark on the calendar to count down your return.
You had to leave me in hospital, I knew you had to go.
You do such a good job and you were hurting too I know.
This is normal for me, it would help if you knew how it feels.
To feel special, to be part of my family and community.
Every time I see you I am filled with such joy.
You’re important to me, you’re important to everybody, our country.
I still watch the sea. This is normal for me.
Jacob recieving his finished design at the CFF 2025 Launch party